گچ میکرونیزه گچ کاری  شرکت کارخانجات تولیدی گچ ساختمانی پل دختر میانه

What is Construction Gypsum?

Construction gypsum, also known as plaster, is a type of building material that is obtained from gypsum rock found in nature. After being crushed and transferred to a kiln, it is used in the form of very fine white powders for construction purposes. Pol Dokhtar Construction Gypsum: Superior Quality in Every Construction Project. Pol Dokhtar Gypsum Factories Company is one of the most reputable manufacturers of construction gypsum in Iran, offering its products to the market with the highest standards. Our construction gypsum, extracted from pure mines and processed precisely, is an excellent choice for construction projects in Iran and neighboring countries

 گچ میکرونیزه گچ کاری  شرکت کارخانجات تولیدی گچ ساختمانی پل دختر میانه

Types of building plaster

Base coat plaster: Used for the initial layer of plastering and prepares the surface for the application of finishing plaster.
Finishing plaster: Used as the final layer to create a smooth and polished surface.
Moisture-resistant plaster: Designed for humid areas and has high resistance to moisture.
Polymer plaster: With a special formulation, it is used for specific applications such as industrial projects.

 گچ میکرونیزه گچ کاری  شرکت کارخانجات تولیدی گچ ساختمانی پل دختر میانه

Applications of building gypsum

Wall and Ceiling Work: The primary application of building gypsum is in plastering walls and ceilings to create smooth surfaces.
Interior Decorations: Gypsum is used to create decorative elements such as moldings and artistic designs.
Insulation: Gypsum is utilized as thermal and acoustic insulation in construction.
Surface Leveling: It is used to cover imperfections and defects on various surfaces.
For Use in Cement Production: Gypsum is employed in cement factories.
For Agricultural Industry Uses: It has applications in the agricultural sector.
For Medical Industry Uses: Gypsum is also used in the medical field.

 گچ میکرونیزه گچ کاری  شرکت کارخانجات تولیدی گچ ساختمانی پل دختر میانه

Advantages of using building gypsum

Economic Price: Gypsum has a reasonable price compared to many other building materials.
Easy Accessibility: Due to abundant extraction, gypsum is readily available.
Environmental Compatibility: Gypsum is a natural material that does not harm the environment.
Flexibility: Building gypsum is suitable for various projects with diverse conditions.

 گچ میکرونیزه گچ کاری  شرکت کارخانجات تولیدی گچ ساختمانی پل دختر میانه

What is building gypsum?

Building plastering is usually done in two stages: base coat plaster and top coat plaster. Base coat plaster, as its name suggests, is applied as the initial layer on the surface, and its main function is to prepare the surface for the application of top coat plaster. This plaster, with its high adhesion, is used on various surfaces such as brick, terracotta, cement, and foam. One of the main reasons for using base coat plaster is to provide a smooth and uniform surface for white plastering (top coat). Also, the economic efficiency of base coat plaster compared to white plaster makes it a popular choice in construction projects.

 گچ میکرونیزه گچ کاری  شرکت کارخانجات تولیدی گچ ساختمانی پل دختر میانه

Drying time of base coat plaster.

The drying time of base coat plaster depends on the type of plaster and environmental conditions. Factors such as air temperature, humidity, and airflow have a significant impact on this time. Typically, the initial setting time for Pole Dokhtar base coat plaster is around 6 minutes, and the secondary setting time is around 19 minutes. Accelerating the drying process can cause cracking or reduce quality; therefore, it is best to allow the plaster to dry naturally.

 گچ میکرونیزه گچ کاری  شرکت کارخانجات تولیدی گچ ساختمانی پل دختر میانه